How To Adjust Your Expectations And Set You & Your Child Up For Success
Oct 04, 2023
Most caregivers step into the parenting journey with dreams, ideals, and a certain vision of how parenting is going to unfold. We have dreams of what our children will be like when they grow older. We envision positive, warm relationships, that are worthy of a Hallmark Movie. Sounds ridiculous, right? But that's what we do. That can set us and our children up for failure.
In this episode we discuss re-adjusting your expectations to help you and your children achieve success.
In this episode we talk about...
- Re-adjusting your expectations.
- Trauma doesn't play by the rules. What happened yesterday is not what will happen today!
- No longer trying to achieve perfection (newsflash- it's NOT possible!)
- Feeling successful when we accomplish 1 or 2 things that are important
- Lowering expectations so not to set our children up for failure
- How we can re-adjust expectations successfully
Also on the show....
- We are getting REAL close to launching Resilient Caregiver University! Click Here to learn more and send us some important feedback!
Thanks for stopping by this week ;-)